Thought for the Day
November 22nd 2023
As believers in the New Covenant, we have a unique identity and calling.
The House of God is no longer a building because each one of us is God's holy temple, as the Holy Spirit of God lives within us.
Our call is to be a holy priesthood, whose responsibility is to present our bodies as a living sacrifice, and live lives that are holy and acceptable to God.
As representatives of Christ, may our lives bring glory and honor to our living God.
Have a wonderful day - Esther Collins
November 21st 2023
Irrespective of who we are - rich or poor, educated or uneducated, skilled or unskilled, in top positions or not, all of us will fade away one day, and will be forgotten.
Not so, the Word of God. God and His Word endure forever, and will never change.
That's exactly why we must align our lives to God's Word while we sojourn here on earth.
Have a wonderful day!
Our lives are secure for eternity only if they are planted firmly in the Word of God.
November 20th 2023
God did not pay for our redemption with silver and gold, though all of the world's riches rightfully belong to Him.
God the Father sent His only begotten Son Jesus as a ransom for our sins. We were redeemed by the precious and sinless blood of Jesus that was shed for us on the cross of Calvary.
Salvation is free for us, but remember it cost Jesus His very precious life.
Have a happy day!
Let's surrender our all to the One who gave His all for us! - Esther Collins
November 18th 2023
How often we do or don't do something because we fear men. Actually if we live in reverent fear of our Heavenly Father we will only do what pleases Him, irrespective of whether others approve of it or not.
God has no favorites, and since He sees and knows the deepest thoughts and intents of men's hearts, He is also the best judge, and a just rewarder.
Have a blessed day!
Never forget this world is temporary, heaven, eternal and our Heavenly Father is the one we should revere and serve. - Esther Collins
November 17th 2023
The core of God's character is holiness. This is exactly the reason why when we
get closer to this Holy God, the more aware we are of our own sinfulness and unworthiness.
Only through Jesus and His finished work on the cross can sinful men be reconciled to a Holy God. To be holy means to be 'Set apart' for God, and choosing to think, look, talk, act and behave in a way that's only pleasing to God and His word without compromising with the world and it's ways.
Have a happy day!
Let's remember, without holiness no one can see God. - Esther Collins
November 16th 2023
Trials are the tests of faith for believers in the Lord Jesus. The genuineness of one's faith depends on the way trials are perceived, received and handled.
Trials not only reveal the genuineness of one's faith, but they also bring glory and honor to God when they are joyfully overcome. Moreover, every trial no matter how intense, is momentary and passing in the light of eternity.
Have a beautiful day!
Those who joyfully go through the refiner's fire will come out glowing and reflecting the image of God - Esther Collins
November 15th 2023
When fellow believers go astray, we have the responsibility to bring them back with love and gentleness, because we too are weak and vulnerable.
Jesus came to seek and to save the lost, and that's the task He's entrusted to us too.
By restoring a person lost in sin, back into the fellowship, we have saved a soul for eternity, and their sins, no matter how numerous, are forgiven and covered by the blood of the Lord Jesus, never to be remembered any more.
Have a wonderful day!
May we never forget that we are called to restore and rebuild, and not to condemn and tear down, because every soul is precious to God - Esther Collins
November 14th 2023
We sometimes tend to believe that God only answers the prayers of some significant people who are specially called, gifted and anointed.
We may therefore conclude that Elijah did mighty wonders just because he was a chosen prophet of God.
Contrary to this thinking, God's word reminds us that Elijah was an ordinary man just like any one of us. His extraordinary power came from his earnest prayers, which God heard and answered.
Have a hopeful day!
Keep on praying fervently, and don't give up, for the answer is on the way - Esther Collins
November 13th 2023
Some of the important reasons for Christian fellowship is to equip, encourage and strengthen each other in our walk with the Lord.
There should be such openness, and confidentiality that we can confess our faults and weaknesses to each other, knowing that there will be those who sincerely pray for us.
Have a wonderful day!
When someone confides with us let's take it to the Lord in prayer knowing that prayers are powerful and prayers bring healing! 😊 - Esther Collins
November 11th 2023
Our ability to experience and express various emotions is exceptional to human beings as we are created in God's image.
The best part is that we have a Lord who understands exactly how we feel because Jesus took on Himself the form of man, lived on this earth and experienced all the emotions that we go through.
So, when times are tough and there is pain, hurt, sadness, sorrow or grief, we can take all of them to the Lord in prayer. Similarly, in seasons of joy when all is going good, and our hearts are elated, we can still go to the Lord with songs of praise and thanksgiving.
Have a lovely day!
No matter how you feel, remember the Lord understands, and His love for us will never fail😊 - Esther Collins
November 10th 2023
Job is a perfect example of someone who had seen the heights of glory and the depths of despair, and yet through all of it, Job's faith in God was unwavering and steadfast.
There are two aspects of God that we can understand from the life of Job.
Firstly, behind every painful trial and hardship, God is at work to fulfill His purposes for our lives.
Secondly, since our God is merciful and compassionate, He will never allow us to be tested beyond our endurance.
Have a joyful day!
If our lives are anchored in Jesus Christ the Solid Rock, the storms of life can never shake us!😊 - Esther Collins
November 9th 2023
As human beings we are so prone to grumbling about everything and everyone, and never realize that this displeases the Lord.
Grumbling keeps us from loving others because we find fault with them, and tend to keep talking behind their back.
If only we can replace grumbling with gratitude, we will begin to see the good in other people and be thankful to God for them.
Have a happy day!
Best way to stop complaining. Look at the positives in people and let God deal with the negatives - both ours and theirs 😊 - Esther Collins
November 8th 2023
The second coming of the Lord Jesus is sure, and if we stop to observe all that is happening around us, it's quite obvious that His return is nearer than ever before.
As we wait patiently for the Lord to return, may we guard our hearts from all that draws us away from Him.
Let's pray for hearts that are firmly established in God's word, and which reflect God's holiness and integrity every single day.
Have a great day!
Let's be watchful! May our lamps be trimmed and ready to receive the King of kings!😊 - Esther Collins
November 8th 2023
The second coming of the Lord Jesus is sure, and if we stop to observe all that is happening around us, it's quite obvious that His return is nearer than ever before.
As we wait patiently for the Lord to return, may we guard our hearts from all that draws us away from Him.
Let's pray for hearts that are firmly established in God's word, and which reflect God's holiness and integrity every single day.
Have a great day!
Let's be watchful! May our lamps be trimmed and ready to receive the King of kings!😊 - Esther Collins
November 7th 2023
Think about the many times we withhold doing good to someone, even when it is within our capacity to do so.
We may have reasons which seem valid and justifiable too such as, "It's not necessary" "I don't feel like it ", " They don't deserve it", "People don't appreciate it," "It's not valued," "Many are ungrateful," "We are often taken for granted" and many more...
However, God's word reminds us that if we know how to do good, but refrain from doing so, it is sin.
Have a lovely day!
Let's honor God's word, and never grow weary in doing good!😊 - Esther Collins
November 6th 2023
Many of us have detailed plans not only for a day, but for a week, month and maybe even years ahead.
It's really good to work towards a goal and have short-term and long - term plans in order to achieve the same.
Nonetheless, if we don't seek God, submit our plans for His approval and do as He bids us to, our plans will be futile and without fruition.
Have a happy day!
Let's commit all our plans to God, trust Him and He will lead us one day at a time!😊 - Esther Collins
November 4th 2023
Have you observed how easily we identify the faults in others and pass judgement on them too? Yet, we are so gentle on ourselves and easily overlook our own faults.
The truth is that the very things we find fault with in others are the same things we are usually guilty of ourselves.
Only the righteous God has the authority to sit on the judgement seat, so let's never take His place.
Have a blessed day!
Let God do the judging while we do the loving!😊 - Esther Collins
November 3rd 2023
The Lord is always close at hand, but it's up to us to draw near to Him. What a wonderful assurance we have in the fact, that if we take a step closer to Him, the Lord will joyfully embrace us.
Also, as we draw near to this Holy God, we become more aware of our own sinfulness and unworthiness.
May the Lord grant us clean hands, and pure and undivided hearts that love, please and serve Him all of our days here on earth.
Have a beautiful day!
Someone said, 'The closer we walk with God, the less room for something to come between.'😊 - Esther Collins
November 2nd 2023
In submitting to God, we acknowledge that He is the Lord and Master of our lives. Only in humble submission do we recognize that God is sovereign, and we are helpless without Him.
When God reigns in our lives, we will not only be able to resist the evil one, but we will also triumph over the enemy.
Have a victorious day!
Here's a great quote by Ed Cole, " Ability to resist temptation is directly proportionate to your submission to God. "😊 - Esther Collins
November 1st 2023
Jesus was the perfect example of humility. He gave up the splendors of heaven and came to earth not to be served but to serve others. Jesus humbled Himself even to the point of death on a cross.
As believers in the Lord Jesus may we too be clothed with humility. Remember God's grace is available for those who humble themselves before God.
There's nothing to be proud about because all we are and all we have is God's gift to us.
Have a happy day and a blessed month ahead!
Quoting John Flavel, _'They that know God will be humble. They that know themselves cannot be proud.'_😊
Esther Collins
October 31st 2023
Who are we friends with? The world or with God.
If we are friends of God we will believe God fully like Abraham did. We will know Him, love Him, obey His commands and do everything to please Him.
On the other hand if we are friends with the world, we will compromise with the world, follow worldly ways and let the world dictate how we live. The somber part of this is that a friend of this world becomes an enemy of God.
Have a joyful day!
May Jesus always be our best and forever Friend!😊 - Esther Collins
October 30th 2023
It doesn't take much to be worldly wise. Worldly wisdom teaches us to be smart, clever, deceptive, self- seeking, self- promoting and hypocritical.
The wisdom from God is in total contrast. Godly wisdom teaches us to be holy, to pursue peace with everyone, to be submissive, to do good for all, to treat everyone alike and with no dichotomy whatsoever.
Have a wonderful day!
Let's take time to examine ourselves to see if we are led by godly wisdom or worldly wisdom.😊 - Esther Collins
October 28th 2023
Even as believers in the Lord Jesus we will falter many times in many ways because of our sinful nature, and our constant struggle between our flesh and the Holy Spirit.
Nonetheless if we can have a tight reign over our tongues, and use it only to bless others, and glorify God we will be deemed perfect.
If we can master the art of controlling the words that we speak, we will avoid many troubles and have a peaceful life.
Have a blessed day!
Let's aim for this perfection today!😊 - Esther Collins
October 27th 2023
Every minute, every hour, every day, every week, every month and every year is God's precious gift to us.
What we do with all that God has given to us depends entirely on us.
May God help us to be good stewards who will use our time, money, energy, skills, resources and relationships for His glory.
Have a joyful day!
Thank you Lord for life. Grant us wisdom to fulfill your plans and purposes for our lives!😊 - Esther Collins
October 26th 2023
God is merciful to all of us, and that is why He sent Jesus, the sinless Son of God to die for us, while we were still sinners.
If God were to judge us, all of us would be condemned to die. Nonetheless, God in His mercy saved us from eternal death, and gifted us eternal life through Christ Jesus.
As recipients of God's mercy, we are called to extend this mercy to those around us. If we withhold mercy, and mete out judgement instead, we are in danger of being treated the same way by a just God.
Have a wonderful day!
Jesus reminds us, "Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy." 😊 - Esther Collins
October 25th 2023
God is merciful to all of us, and that is why He sent Jesus, the sinless Son of God to die for us, while we were still sinners.
If God were to judge us, all of us would be condemned to die. Nonetheless, God in His mercy saved us from eternal death, and gifted us eternal life through Christ Jesus.
As recipients of God's mercy, we are called to extend this mercy to those around us. If we withhold mercy, and mete out judgement instead, we are in danger of being treated the same way by a just God.
Have a wonderful day!
Jesus reminds us, "Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy." 😊 - Esther Collins
October 24th 2023
God's royal law teaches us to love others the way we love ourselves.
Think about the way we love ourselves, and if we compare this with the way we love others, we will realize how far from the mark we are.
May our love for others be unconditional, unbiased, unassuming, impartial, sacrificial, forgiving, and without judgement. Remember that's the way Jesus loves us.
Have a beautiful day! Let's share this love with everyone we meet!😊 - Esther Collins
October 23rd 2023
True religiosity is not confined to our beliefs alone but must be combined with practice of it as well.
God's word reminds us that this 'pure religion' will be evidenced in the way we love and care for those who are destitute and downtrodden.
It will also be apparent through our holy living, wherein we choose to shun everything that's sinful and displeasing to our holy God.
Have a wonderful day!
Lets remember that whatever we do to the least of those among us, the Lord takes note of, as being done unto Him!😊 - Esther Collins
October 21st 2023
As children of God, we should learn to control the words that come out of our mouths.
This means we avoid gossip, slander, lies, evil-speaking, judging, foul language, cursing, swearing and hurtful words.
Instead, our words must bless, encourage, be loving, kind, truthful, and edify those who hear us.
The Lord reminds us that if we can't control our tongues our claim to be religious is meaningless.
Have a blessed day!
May we pray each day like the Psalmist, 'Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight O Lord!'😊 - Esther Collins
October 20th 2023
God's word is living and active. It searches our deepest thoughts and motives. More importantly, God's word teaches, corrects, rebukes, guides and trains us to live righteously.
It's therefore no point if we just read or hear God's word, but don't apply it to our lives.
Daily obedience to God's Word is what will transform our lives, and make us a fine reflection of the Lord Jesus.
Have a wonderful day!
Someone said it this way, ' _Obedience to God's Word is the recipe for spiritual success.'_😊 - Esther Collins
October 19th 2023
Not sure what it is, maybe our hectic schedules or our preoccupation with social media that it's becoming more and more difficult for us to listen to those around us.
We are all tempted to say our bit and move on. Also the pressures and stresses of life have made us impatient and short-tempered.
God's word reminds us to slow down.
Have a cheerful day!
Let's stop to listen, think before we speak, and keep our tempers under control.😊 - Esther Collins
October 18th 2023
The good things that happen in our lives are not by chance or luck as many nonchalantly say.
Everything good and perfect is a gift from our loving heavenly Father, who graciously lavishes His favor on us.
Think about the air we breathe, the sunshine, rain, water, this earth with its beauty and bounty and all the relationships we have. All of this and more, are from the hands of a loving and impartial God, who treats everyone alike.
Have a happy day!
When something good happens just look up and say, *'Thank you Lord.'*😊 - Esther Collins
October 17th 2023
God is completely holy and good, and that's why He can neither be tempted with evil nor will He tempt anyone to do evil.
Our temptations come from deep-seated desires which prompt us think, see, do and say things that are contrary to God's holy nature and His Word.
The devil, who is our enemy tempts us with evil, and we must resist him and never let him have a foothold in our lives.
Have a victorious day!
Jesus gave us the best counsel to overcome temptation, ' *Watch and Pray.'*😊 - Esther Collins
October 16th 2023
No matter what trials or tribulations come our way, it is our deep faith in Christ and His unfailing love that will carry us through, and help us stand firm.
We are considered blessed when we remain steadfast in our faith, and have the glorious assurance that God will reward us with the crown of life.
Have a cheerful day!
With Jesus the overcomer on our side, we will come forth victorious over every trial!😊 - Esther Collins
October 14th 2023
Wisdom from God is available for the asking and here are some situations where we need it most.
1. To have deeper insight and understanding of God and His ways.
2. In handling relationships with all its complexities.
3. To discern what's good and what is evil.
4. To make right choices and exercise sound judgement when in a dilemma.
God's wisdom is revealed through His Word. The more we desire it, the more the Lord is willing to give it to us, and this He does generously and without rebuke.
Have a great day!
Let's handle worldly affairs with godly wisdom!😊 - Esther Collins
October 13th 2023
Trials come in various ways, and believers in the Lord Jesus are in no way exempt from them.
Every trial and hardship we encounter is an opportunity for us to prove the genuineness of our faith, and to mold us to become more like our Heavenly Father.
However hard the trial, let us accept it joyfully, knowing that God is working in us, so our faith in Him remains steadfast.
Have a happy day!
Here's a lovely quote by Warren Wiersbe, _'Life's trials are not easy, but in God's will each has a purpose.'_😊 -Esther Collins
October 12th 2023
Since we are members of God's family, the church, the Lord has appointed spiritual leaders whose role is to shepherd God's flock, feed them with God's word, watch over their souls and to give an account to the Lord for each one of them.
Therefore, it's the responsibility of each member to obey and submit to this spiritual authority. Also, we are reminded that we should live in such a way that we make them rejoice over us, rather than become a burden to them or be those who grieve our leaders.
Have a lovely day!
Let's value our spiritual leaders, love them and honor them the way God wants us to!😊 - Esther Collins
October 11th 2023
There's another sacrifice that the Lord is pleased with - it's our willingness to do good, and to help those who could do with some help.
When God blesses us, instead of thinking how we can better ourselves, let's stop to think how we can help to lift up others around us who are in need.
If every child of God shared a little and cared a little for others, there would be a glorious transformation in our world.
Have a wonderful day!
Remember, we are blessed so we can be a blessing!😊 - Esther Collins
October 10th 2023
Jesus made a sinless and perfect sacrifice on the cross for the sins of all mankind.
Therefore, the sacrifices that God requires of us as believers in this New Covenant is to offer up ourselves as a living sacrifice who are holy and acceptable to God.
There is also the ' sacrifice of praise' - the ' fruit of our lips ' which implies that every word we say, and the songs we sing should declare God's praises for who the Lord is, for what He has done, and all that He continues to do for us.
Have a happy day!
Let's never stop praising the Lord, and never miss an opportunity to proclaim His name!😊
October 9th 2023
We live in a world where rulers, people, economy, climate, technology and everything is constantly changing.
Also, these are uncertain times where there are wars, pandemics, and unforseen natural disasters.
The one immovable and unchanging rock in this shaky world is the Lord Jesus Christ.
His love, mercy, grace, forgiveness and faithfulness are unchanging because that's who He was, is and will always be.
Have a joyous day!
Let's put our trust and confidence in the Lord who will never change, both for now and through eternity 😊
Esther Collins
October 7th 2023
Jesus knew how powerful money is when He said, ' One cannot serve God and money.'
Money gives us false security for the here and now, while God gives us true security for both now and for eternity.
Also, when we love money it has the ability to make us selfish, dissatisfied, covetous and hoarders. On the other hand when we love God, and use money the way God wants us to, it will become a great blessing to us and to others.
Have a blessed day!
Billy Graham said it this way, ' There is nothing wrong with men possessing riches, the wrong comes when riches possess men.' 😊 - Esther Collins
October 6th 2023
Marriage is God's idea, and hence the marriage covenant between husband and wife is a sacred one, which each should honor and remain faithful to.
The word of God reminds us that a good and godly marriage gives a tangible picture of Jesus and His love for the church.
Since marriage is a sacred union, the Lord cautions us against immorality and adultery.
Have a great day!
Someone said it this way, 'Marriage is a lifelong journey of learning to love like Christ.' 😊 - Esther Collins
October 5th 2023
In our overly busy world where schedules are hectic, hospitality is gradually on the decline.
It's one thing to be loving to those who are our own, but the Lord reminds us to extend our love and hospitality to strangers too.
Wonder if we could have missed some angelic visitors by oversight, busyness or a lack of love?
Have a beautiful day!
Let's look out for those angels the Lord sends our way!😊 - Esther Collins
October 4th 2023
Those of us who've experienced a tremor will very well understand what it means to have the earth under us be shaken.
Truly, that's the world we are living in - a world that's fleeting, temporary and slowly crumbling.
Nonetheless, the Lord Jesus is preparing for His children, a heavenly and eternal kingdom that is unshakeable.
That's why we worship God, thank Him and live in reverent fear of Him, because He is the Sovereign and Almighty God who reigns on high.
Have a victorious day!
When everything around us falls apart, let's stand firm on Christ, our Solid Rock.😊 - Esther Collins
October 3rd 2023
There are two aspects of our Christian walk that the Lord considers important.
One is that we grow in our relationship with God and in holiness, the other that we maintain peaceful and loving relationships with those around us.
Yes, without holiness no one can see God, but let's remember that our cordial relationship with others is God's requisite too.
Have a joyful day!
Let's pursue holiness, but let's also pursue peace with everyone!😊 - Esther Collins
October 2nd 2023
I guess as children most of us would not have appreciated discipline from our parents. However, in retrospect, we now value all the discipline and counsel, realizing that they were meant only for our good.
Maybe the way we were disciplined, or the way we discipline our children may not be entirely right, but it's usually done with good intentions.
How much more must we value our Heavenly Father's discipline, who desires we become holy as He is holy, and that we live with Him for eternity.
Have a wonderful day!
Let's allow God to break us, melt us and mold us to become a reflection of Him to others!😊 - Esther Collins
September 30th 2023
If God is our Father we must allow Him to discipline us. We must recognize it, take it seriously, and not get disheartened when He rebukes us.
A loving heavenly Father disciplines His children only because He loves them. His chastising is always for our good, and with the one desire to transform us into His holy image.
Have a joyful day!
Let's submit to God's discipline, and not miss out on learning the precious lessons the Lord is teaching us through them!😊 - Esther Collins
September 29th 2023
Think about all that Jesus, the sinless Son of God endured at the hands of sinful men whom He had created.
He was rejected, despised, falsely charged, betrayed, accused and unjustly condemned to a cruel death on a cross.
When we compare anything that we are going through with what Jesus endured, all of our issues will fade into insignificance, and we will not get wearied or lose heart.
Have a happy day!
Here's a promise to hold on to, *'If we endure, we will also reign with Him.'*😊 - Esther Collins
September 28th 2023
There are many heroes of faith mentioned in the bible who endured all sorts of trials and hardships, but never gave up on their faith in God.
Our best example nonetheless is the Lord Jesus who for our sakes endured the cross, bore our sin and shame, and rose victorious to reign on high.
It is the Lord Jesus who initiated us on this journey of faith, and He is faithful to help us finish it as well.
Have a wonderful day!
Keep pressing on, and never take your eyes off Jesus! - Esther Collins
September 27th 2023
Our God is the Almighty God who reigns over all, but He truly delights to reward those who diligently seek after Him and put their faith in Him.
We may be seeking for wisdom, counsel, guidance, healing, freedom from sin, financial breakthrough, restoration of broken relationships, peace, joy, rest or anything else.
Whatever we are seeking for all we need to do is come to God with a heart of faith believing that He specializes in making the impossible possible.
Have a joyful day!
If we want to please God we must walk by faith, and set doubts aside! - Esther Collins
September 26th 2023
It's rather easy to believe in things that we can see with our physical eyes and comprehend with our human mind, but that's not faith.
Faith is believing in the unseen God, and trusting Him with our lives, and all of our impossible situations, knowing that only in and through Him all things are made possible.
Have a faith-filled day and know that faith as small as a mustard seed is enough to move those mighty mountains in our lives. - Esther Collins
September 25th 2023
As His children, our walk with the Lord is purely by faith and not by sight. Therefore, it calls for commitment and perseverance through trials, hardships and temptations.
Once we put our hand to the plough we must keep moving forward, and never look back or go off track, no matter what the challenges or distractions. Remember, the Lord takes no delight in those who walk away from Him.
Have a triumphant day!
On this journey of faith, let's never take our eyes off Jesus. - Esther Collins
September 23rd 2023
These are tough times we are living in. If we don't take time to listen and watch, we will miss out on all the signs that point to the return of the Lord Jesus.
Let's persevere, stand firm in our faith, do the will of God, and be prepared and ready for the Lord's coming.
Have a wonderful day!
Maranatha! Come Lord Jesus!😊
September 22nd 2023
The hand of God created us, sustains us, protects us, holds us, provides for us, and it was these hands that were nailed to the cross for the redemption of all mankind.
God's hands are also powerful to judge and to destroy those who walk in disobedience and rebellion to His word and His ways.
Have a blessed day!
Let's walk in holiness and submit to God's mighty hands, and we will have no need to fear His wrath and judgment.😊
September 21st 2023
How often we feel that it is our right to right the wrongs that others do to us.
God exhorts us otherwise. He reminds us that He is a just God who sees, hears, knows and takes note of every injustice done to His children.
Let's never take revenge or try to fight for our justice. The Lord will avenge, He will judge and He will repay.
Have a happy day!
Rest your case with the Lord because He will deal with it best!😊 - Esther Collins
September 20th 2023
Only the blood of Jesus, the sinless Lamb of God can cleanse us from all of our sins and unrighteousness.
Though we are unworthy sinners, the Lord is merciful and gracious to pardon us of all our iniquities, and when He forgives us, the Lord will never remember our sins any more.
Have a joyful day rejoicing that you are forgiven!
As Corrie Ten Boom said it so aptly, "God buries our sins in the depths of the sea, and then puts up a sign that reads, 'No Fishing.' "
September 19th 2023
Only the blood of Jesus, the sinless Lamb of God can cleanse us from all of our sins and unrighteousness.
Though we are unworthy sinners, the Lord is merciful and gracious to pardon us of all our iniquities, and when He forgives us, the Lord will never remember our sins any more.
Have a joyful day rejoicing that you are forgiven!
As Corrie Ten Boom said it so aptly, "God buries our sins in the depths of the sea, and then puts up a sign that reads, 'No Fishing.' "
September 18th 2023
We are blessed to be partakers of the New Covenant that Jesus brought us into through His sinless life, death, burial and resurrection.
Therefore, the laws of God are now etched in our mind and hearts, and we have the Holy Spirit of God who enables us to live in accordance with God's righteous laws.
The best part of the covenant is that God is our God, and we are privileged to be His own people.
Have a happy day!
On our part let's be faithful to our unfailing covenant-keeping God!😊 - Esther Collins
September 16th 2023
How often when we serve others and pour out our love on them, we get discouraged when it is not appreciated. Sadder still, is when it gets misunderstood and misinterpreted.
Guess what? We serve a just God, and nothing we do in His name will be overlooked by Him, and there is a sure reward awaiting those who faithfully serve.
Have a blessed day and keep on loving, and keep on serving. Never grow weary and never give up!😊 - Esther
September 15th 2023
God rains down His love, grace, goodness and mercies on every one of His children.
We can either be good land that values all of these gifts of God, and produce fruit that glorifies God, and blesses others or we can be those who take all of this for granted, and live unfruitful lives that do not benefit others or fulfill the purpose of God in our lives.
Both have consequences too. While the former receives Gods blessings the latter receives God's curse, and will be destroyed in the end.
Have a wonderful day!
Only when we abide in Christ, will our lives bear bountiful fruit.😊
September 14th 2023
An earthly throne is a symbol of authority, and hence those who approach it would generally do so with fear and trepidation.
The heavenly throne where God sits enthroned is in total contrast, because from it flows the immeasurable grace and mercy of God as was revealed through Jesus.
That's why we can approach the Lord boldly anytime and for our every need and pour out our hearts to Him, knowing that He will answer.
Have a blessed day!
Know that God's measureless grace and mercy is sufficient to overcome every insurmountable mountain that stands in our way😊
September 13th 2023
All of the temptations and struggles we encounter can be overcome with the power of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus showed us the way by the sinless life that He led. Moreover Jesus will never condemn us when we struggle with sin or even stumble and fall, but rather sympathizes with us.
No matter how tough the temptation, know that the Lord has made a way for us to escape and come out triumphant.
Have a cheerful day!
Remember to run away from temptation, and run to God who gives us His grace and power to be overcomers! - Esther Collins
September 12th 2023
Our God knows everything! Personally it means that our every thought, motive, desire, struggle, pain, hurt and every little detail about our lives is known to Him.
It also implies that when people hurt us, cheat us, slander or gossip about us and plot evil against us, that too is under God's surveillance.
On our part we must live righteously before the Lord, and when faced with injustice let God vindicate and fight our battles.
Have a peaceful day!
Remember the Lord sees, He knows, He cares, He will act, and He will judge righteously - Esther Collins
September 11th 2023
While the Word of God is the sword of the Spirit, and our main weapon against the wiles of the evil one, the Word of God also has the power to pierce our own souls.
Only God's word can search our inmost thoughts and intentions, and the more we yield ourselves to God's Word the more our lives are transformed into the image of Christ.
Have a joyful day!
Let's allow the living and active Word of God to search us, convict us, and change us in areas where we need to change - Esther Collins
September 9th 2023
To doubt means to be uncertain of what we believe, but to have an unbelieving heart means to have an absence of faith in God.
Unbelief limits God and hinders Him from working in our lives. If we hold on to unbelief and don't replace it with total faith in God, it will gradually lead us away from the living God into a lost eternity.
Have a hope-filled day!
May we keep growing in faith and believe God no matter how difficult or hopeless our situations are, because nothing is impossible with God!😊 - Esther Collins
September 8th 2023
The Holy Spirit of God speaks to us and counsels us with His gentle promptings every day. Often we ignore, don't listen or let other voices drown out His gentle voice.
Like the Israelites who wandered in the wilderness our hearts too can go astray, and be hardened by sinful rebellion if we are not watchful.
That's why we should guard our hearts at all times and tune our ears to listen to the Holy Spirit's still small voice.
Have a peaceful day!
"The Holy Spirit's voice is as loud as our willingness to obey" 😊 - Esther Collins
September 7th 2023
Grace is the unmerited favor of God that was revealed to us through Jesus Christ. It is this grace that saves us and though it is free for us, it cost Jesus His precious sinless life.
If only we can comprehend this amazing grace and love of God that was revealed through Jesus, there's no way we will take it for granted.
A right understanding of grace is what helps us to live self- controlled, upright and godly lives that God delights in.
Have a beautiful day!
God's amazing grace is sufficient for us for now and for eternity!😊
September 6th 2023
The Almighty God is our deliverer! Every attack of the enemy that is aimed at God's own, will be thwarted and destroyed.
The Lord delivers us from troubles, fears, distress, disease and adversaries, so we can sing songs of deliverance.
Know that we are safe in His care until we reach the heavenly kingdom that He is preparing for us.
Have a wonderful day!
Call on the Lord in your troubles and He will deliver you!😊 - Esther Collins
September 5th 2023
I am certain we all have been in a place that the Apostle Paul describes. A place where no one stood by us or defended us, but rather deserted us for whatever reasons.
Don't miss the best part of Paul's testimony that at such a time the Lord stood by him, and strengthened him.
May we also know that in our lowest, loneliest moments of discouragement, despair or even desertion, the Lord is right beside us to strengthen us, give us hope and to stand with us. He's promised to never leave us nor forsake us.
Have a joyful day!
Be encouraged and confident with the thought that when God stands with you, no one can stand against you! - Esther Collins
September 4th 2023
This was the Apostle Paul's testimony as he neared the end of his life.
Each one of us who believe in the Lord Jesus have a good fight to fight, a race to complete, and a faith to keep. The journey is not easy, the enemy is strong, and the challenges many.
The best part is that all of this is only on this side of eternity. Beyond is a righteous judge who will grant us a crown of righteousness if we are faithful, and don't give up.
Have a happy day!
Keep pressing on knowing that the One who called us is faithful to the end. - Esther Collins
September 2nd 2023
The bible is the very Word of God to all mankind. Truly its our guide book for godly living.
It teaches us who God is, who we are, what God expects of us, and everything we need to know about life from now to eternity.
It rebukes us when we are doing wrong, corrects us so we can set our lives in order, and is the best training manual to help us lead a righteous life that God desires of us.
Have a joyful day!
May we treasure God's Word, read it, meditate on it, and live by it every single day! - Esther Collins
September 1st 2023
As followers of the Lord Jesus, we should not be dismayed when we are misunderstood, misinterpreted, maligned or maltreated.
Jesus faced it all, and He forewarned us that those who walk in His footsteps and choose to lead a godly life will not be exempted.
Don't lose heart because our sufferings are temporary, and there's an eternal reward from a Just God.
Have a victorious day!
Martin Luther said, "They gave our Master a crown of thorns. Why do we expect a crown of roses?"
August 31st 2023
Each of us is a unique vessel created for the glory of God.
The more we allow the Holy Spirit of God to work inside of us, and cleanse us of all that is dishonorable and displeasing to the Lord, we become a vessel of honor which the Lord can use for His glory.
Remember we are just earthen vessels, but the excellency of power is from God, and not from us.
Have a blessed day!
"Broken vessels can become blessed ones , if we let God do the mending."
August 30th 2023
What a blessed assurance it is to know that the God of this universe knows those who are His own. This is so amazingly profound, because it means the Lord knows our name, our thoughts, our feelings and every single detail about us. Moreover, the Lord loves, cares, protects, and watches over His children.
As children of God who represent this Holy God we must depart from every form of iniquity, and shine as lights in this dark world.
Have a wonderful day, and let's never forget who knows us, and whom we represent! 😊 - Esther Collins
August 29th 2023
When we put our faith in Jesus Christ, our old sinful self is crucified with Christ, and we are no longer slaves to sin. If that's our assurance we also know that one day we will live with Him forever.
So also, if we endure suffering and persecution for the sake of Christ, we can be sure that one day we will reign with Him too.
Have a happy day! "God never said the journey would be easy, but He did say the destination would be worthwhile." - Max Lucado - Esther Collins
August 28th 2023
This faith journey that we are on is like a marathon race. Just like an athlete, we too need discipline, perseverance, and need to follow the rules that God has set for us.
While an athlete runs to receive an earthly crown, we run to win the spiritual crown.
At times the course we are on may be difficult, we may falter, and even fall sometimes. The best part is that unlike an earthly race where an athlete runs alone, we have the Lord with us all through this race, right to the finish line.
Have a cheerful day! Let's keep running, never quit, and have our eyes fixed on Jesus! - Esther Collins
August 26th 2023
We have the honor to be enrolled as soldier's in the Lord's Army.
Our Loyalty - to Jesus Christ, the captain of our souls.
Our Call - to serve Christ and endure suffering for His sake.
Our Focus - on Christ and things above.
Our Goal - to please the Lord who has chosen us and called us. To obey His commands, and fulfill the task assigned to us.
Our Fight - against principalities, powers, rulers of darkness, and the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly realms.
Have a triumphant day and know that _"God gives the hardest battle to His strongest soldiers" - Esther Collins
August 25th 2023
Every baby born into this world is God's precious gift. What they become to a large extent depends primarily on parents, grand parents, extended family and caretakers.
Timothy saw genuine faith in his grandmother and mother and it just got ingrained in him too. That's what made young Timothy a passionate young leader in the early church.
If we give our children everything we can afford, but don't pass on our faith to them, we have failed in our duty and will only raise up an empty and faithless generation who will never fulfill God's purpose for their lives.
Have a peaceful day and let's strive to leave behind a godly legacy, and raise godly children! - Esther Collins
August 24th 2023
Every baby born into this world is God's precious gift. What they become to a large extent depends primarily on parents, grand parents, extended family and caretakers.
Timothy saw genuine faith in his grandmother and mother and it just got ingrained in him too. That's what made young Timothy a passionate young leader in the early church.
If we give our children everything we can afford, but don't pass on our faith to them, we have failed in our duty and will only raise up an empty and faithless generation who will never fulfill God's purpose for their lives.
Have a peaceful day and let's strive to leave behind a godly legacy, and raise godly children! - Esther Collins
August 23rd 2023
Every day before we set out for the day we must remind ourselves that we are like soldiers in a battle field. Our weapons are not carnal and our enemy, though unseen is real. This fight of faith is against false doctrines, morals, ethics and values that are against God's principles. We fight these so we can win the eternal life that God has in store for us.
Have a triumphant day! Let's be watchful and never put down the armor of God even for a moment!😊 - Esther
August 22nd 2023
Money is neutral and necessary, but we should be cautious to not let money become our master. If we become obsessed with money it's only a matter of time before we grow cold and wander from the faith. No wonder Jesus was forthright when He said one cannot serve God and money, because it is impossible to pay allegience to both at the same time.
Have a wonderful day, and know that when the Lord becomes the One we treasure, the treasures of this world will fade into insignificance! - Esther Collins
August 21st 2023
This is one biblical equation every believer must live by. In order to do so we must remember that we brought nothing into this world, and we will take nothing when we leave.
Everything we have is God's gift of grace and the more we comprehend this the easier it becomes to live out this equation. The reward is great gain, because it's eternal and unfading.
Have a joyful day, and know that a thankful heart is a sure cure for discontentment! - Esther
August 19th 2023
We must keep a close watch on our doctrines because it is a fact that beliefs dictate behavior. Our doctrines must therefore be rooted firmly in God's word, and we must make sure we put them into practice. This is especially crucial for those of us who teach others for no one must be led astray because of us.
Have a blessed day, and may we hide God's word in our hearts, and let His light shine through our lives - Esther
August 18th 2023
It is really good that we eat healthy, exercise regularly and stay fit physically. Nonetheless, if we do not feed our souls with the word of God, discipline ourselves to pray more, seek God more and train ourselves in godliness we will have only lived for the here and now. We must take care of our bodies, but not lose out on our souls which will live on for eternity.
Have a wonderful day, and let's stay fit on earth, but also have souls fit for heaven - Esther Collins
August 17th 2023
Jesus came into this world as the Son of God, and was fully God and fully man. His sinless life made Him the perfect sacrifice for the sins of all mankind.
This is why when Jesus died on the cross, the veil in the temple tore from top to bottom because Jesus entered the most holy place as the Perfect High Priest by His perfect sacrifice.
Jesus rose again, and is seated at the right hand of God the Father as one who intercedes for us.
Have a blessed day, and remember there is only one mediator between God and man, the man Jesus Christ. - Esther Collins
August 16th 2023
It is our duty and responsibility as children of God to pray fervently for our country and our leaders. All of us desire to live godly, peaceful lives with dignity, and for that to happen we must humble ourselves, seek God's face, turn from our evil ways and pray fervently. When we do so the Lord will hear us and bring revival and healing to our land.
Have a joyful day, and let's pray sincerely for our country and our leaders - Esther Collins
August 15th 2023
The freedom that Jesus offers is true freedom. It teaches us to live right as children of God and not cover-up wrongs, to honor everyone irrespective of who they are, to love others the way we love ourselves, to live in reverent fear of God, and to respect those who rule over us.
Happy Independence day! Enjoy this freedom in Christ and share it with others. - Esther
August 14th 2023
We must watch out, and be alert against the attacks of the enemy, for they are real, subtle, and come from unexpected quarters. Nonetheless, we have a faithful God on our side. Not only does He guard us from the evil one, but the Lord also helps us to stand firm, and be established.
Have a happy day, and remember the Lord is our shield and fortress, and we are safe in Him! - Esther
August 12th 2023
Do not for a moment think that God does not take note of the troubles that are inflicted on His children. He is the Almighty God who is just, and there is a day of reckoning close at hand. When the Lord Jesus comes again with His awesome might, and powerful angels, He comes to judge the world, and every knee will bow down and every tongue confess that He is Lord.
Have a joyful day, and don't lose heart when afflicted, because relief is on the way. - Esther Collins
August 11th 2023
We live in a world where unfaithfulness, disloyalty and betrayal have become commonplace in everyday life. No wonder then, that we tend to look at God with the same lens, not realizing that it is God's character to be faithful. The Lord who called us be His disciples is faithful, and will be with us all through our journey here on earth, right unto eternity. It's unfathomable, but an affirmed fact that God is faithful to us even when we are faithless and untrustworthy.
Have a great day and remember, " None is as faithful as God "😊 - Esther
August 10th 2023
To be 'Sanctified' means to be 'set apart' for God's divine plans and purposes. The goal of sanctification is that we be made holy just as God is holy. However, this process of sanctification begins when we put our faith in Jesus, and the Holy Spirit of God who dwells within us helps us live this holy life so we can stand blameless before the Lord Jesus at His second coming.
Have a blessed day, and may we choose to walk in holiness, and walk away from every form of sin and ungodliness😊 - Esther
August 9th 2023
Often we wonder whether we are doing God's will or not. Here are some simple ways to do the the will of God - To be joyful in spite of all the difficulties and hardships we face, to be in constant communion with the Lord, and to have a heart overflowing with thankfulness even when circumstances are adverse or not conducive.
Have a joyful day, and remember that when we do God's will in little things, it won't be so hard to know His will in the bigger decisions we make.😊 - Esther
August 8th 2023
Our human tendency is to pay back or get even with those who wrong us in any way, because we feel no one should take advantage of us. However, that's not Jesus' way - to be a follower of Jesus means we love those who hate us, do good to those who do evil to us, bless those who curse us, and pray for those who hurt us, and treat us badly. It's certainly not easy, but it is possible with the help of the Holy Spirit.
Have a joyful day, and let's love like Jesus loved, and live like Jesus did!😊
August 7th 2023
Imagine a world where love reigns supreme and everyone is at peace with each other. That's what Jesus offers - a peace that surpasses human understanding and one that prevails amidst the turmoil and confusion all around. Let's strive to maintain this peace with everyone we relate with, as much as is possible.
Have a peaceful day, and may we be channels of His peace! - Esther
August 5th 2023
Imagine a world where love reigns supreme and everyone is at peace with each other. That's what Jesus offers - a peace that surpasses human understanding and one that prevails amidst the turmoil and confusion all around. Let's strive to maintain this peace with everyone we relate with, as much as is possible.
Have a peaceful day, and may we be channels of His peace! - Esther
August 4th 2023
What a blessed thought to know that though we were sinners worthy of condemnation, God in His grace destined us to be saved for eternity. This was accomplished for us through Jesus the sinless Son of God who took our place on the cross. Here's the best part - if we live on earth we live for the Lord, and if we should die we will live with Him forever.
Have a peaceful day, and let's fulfil God's purpose here on earth, and prepare to be with Him for eternity!😊 - Esther
August 3rd 2023
It is the death and resurrection of Jesus that gives us hope beyond the grave. The dead in Christ will rise again when Christ returns, and this is the comforting hope we hold on to for loved ones who have gone on before us. There is no need to fear death because Jesus has conquered death.
Have a lovely day, and know that because Jesus lives, we can face tomorrow without any fear!😊 - Esther
August 2nd 2023
Our God is a holy God, and we His children are called to live a life of holiness. There's so much impurity, immorality and ungodliness all around us, but with the power of the Holy Spirit of God within us, it is possible for us to live in holiness. Let's discipline ourselves to think, speak, watch, do and engage only in those things that please and honor our holy God.
Have a happy day, and let's never forget that _"Without holiness, no one can see God" 😊- Esther
August 1st 2023
Communication is the vital part of every relationship. Therefore, what we say, and how we say it is really important. Our words should be gracious, and seasoned with salt, which means we only say what is needful, loving, true, and kind so that it adds real flavor to every relationship.
Have a joyful day, and let's pray that the words that come out of our mouths are pleasing to God, and a blessing to others😊 - Esther
July 31st 2023
As disciples of the Lord Jesus we are commissioned to 'Go' into all the world, and share the Good News of the Gospel with everyone. Each of us is uniquely placed, so let's never miss an opportunity to share our faith with those who come our way. Let's do this prayerfully, and be wise in the way we relate with everyone.
Have a great day, and let's never forget that we are Ambassadors for Christ ! - Esther
July 29th 2023
Prayer is our weapon against every onslaught of the enemy. If we are not watchful, we will get attacked from unexpected quarters. While we are watchful, we should also be thankful for every blessing and for everyone who are a blessing in our lives. Let's be steadfast in prayer, and not give the devil a foothold in our lives.
Have a wonderful day, and let's talk to the Lord about everything, and do it all the time! - Esther
July 28th 2023
Just think about the words 'Whatever you do.' It refers to just about anything, from the mundane to the very important work that we do. If we do anything as unto people, we can sometimes get discouraged, upset, feel unappreciated or even be taken for granted. However, when we do it as unto the Lord, we will do it heartily, because the Lord sees, He appreciates, and He will certainly reward us.
Have a happy day, and let's give our best in everything we do because the Lord deserves it!😊
July 27th 2023
The key word to mending broken relationships and restoring unity and peaceful living is ' forgiveness .' We hurt others intentionally or unintentionally, and often others do the same to us too. Our reason for bearing up with the faults of others, and forgiving them is our Loving Lord Jesus who demonstrated this forgiveness even at the point of death, and extends that unconditional forgiveness to us every time we sin.
Have a happy day and remember that forgiveness not only frees us, but also heals and restores every strained relationship.😊 - Esther
July 26th 2023
In the midst of hectic lifestyles and busy schedules, our minds get clogged with the earthly and mundane cares, and worries of life. As those who have risen with Christ into this new life, we are reminded to turn our desires and thoughts towards God, eternity and heaven. When we do so, our life on earth will become calm, peaceful, purposeful and useful to others.
Have a pleasant day. Let us set our minds on God, and fulfill His purposes here on earth! 😊 - Esther
July 25th 2023
All of us who have received the Lord Jesus into our lives must continue to grow in our relationship with Him every single day. This means we walk with the Lord, remain rooted in Him, grow in the knowledge His Word, become stronger in our faith, and have a heart that always overflows with gratitude to the Lord.
Have a beautiful day, and here's a quote to remember, " All growth that's not toward God is growing to decay." 😊 - Esther
July 24th 2023
The sovereignty of Christ was evident from the very beginning of creation. Paul explains that everything that was created in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible were created through Christ, and for Christ. This also implies that every power and authority given to men is under the Lordship of Christ. This thought gives us the comfort and assurance that every power ordained on earth is subject to the rule and authority of our Almighty God.
Have a peaceful day, and know that God reigns supreme over everything and everyone in this world!😊 - Esther
July 22nd 2023
Only in and through Jesus Christ do we have redemption and forgiveness of sins. Anyone who puts their faith in Jesus, and makes Him the Lord and Saviour of their lives will experience this amazing transformation. We are delivered from the darkness of sin and the clutches of Satan, to become children of light and citizens of God's heavenly kingdom.
Have a joyful day, and let's remember we were delivered out of darkness to shine as lights in this world. - Esther
July 21st 2023
The strength that Christ gives us is the ability to be content no matter what state we are in. The Apostle Paul found his strength in Christ through all the good and bad times, and may this be our testimony too.
Have a happy day, and let's be content in every situation, knowing that with Christ we can make it through - Esther
July 20th 2023
If we don't control our thoughts, our thoughts will control us for sure. All that we say, and all that we do are outcomes of what goes on inside our minds. Let's therefore entertain thoughts that are true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, excellent and worthy of praise. A beautiful mind glorifies God, edifies others, and keeps our hearts in perfect peace.
Have a peaceful day, and let's allow the Lord to transform our minds - Esther
July 19th 2023
Joy is a result of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit within us, and this joy that comes from the Lord is our true strength. That's why we can rejoice even in the midst of trials, difficulties, pain, sorrow, and the taunts of the enemy, knowing that we will triumph over all of it because the risen Lord Jesus is with us.
Have a joyful day, keep rejoicing in the Lord, and let nothing get you down - Esther
July 18th 2023
Being a citizen of a country is so important because it gives us identity, a sense of belonging, and entitles us to rights and privileges. However, as children of God, we are just sojourners here on earth, and our true citizenship is in heaven. That's the greatest honor one could have because, it's the most beautiful place, incomparable to anything here on earth, and a Kingdom where the Lord Jesus reigns forever.
Have a joyful day, and let's not miss our heavenly citizenship because the earthly one seems appealing - Esther
July 17th 2023
No one can be made righteous by just observing the law or by doing good deeds. Only by believing on the Lord Jesus and His finished work on the cross are we made righteous. Jesus took all of our sins and unrighteousness so we can stand justified and righteous before God.
Have a blessed day, and let's put on the robe of righteousness and walk in holiness every day - Esther
July 15th 2023
No one can be made righteous by just observing the law or by doing good deeds. Only by believing on the Lord Jesus and His finished work on the cross are we made righteous. Jesus took all of our sins and unrighteousness so we can stand justified and righteous before God.
Have a blessed day, and let's put on the robe of righteousness and walk in holiness every day - Esther
July 14th 2023
In today's world it's a challenge indeed to lead pure and blameless lives, because the values and morals of this world are in complete contradiction to the standards set by our holy God.
However, through the power of the Holy Spirit within us we can live a righteous life, and shine bright in a world filled with the darkness of sin.
Have a beautiful day and be that beacon of light that dispels the darkness of sin😊 - Esther
July 13th 2023
Every task that we do at home, at work or at church and anywhere else, should be done joyfully and peaceably.
It's easy to grumble about things and people, but the Lord wants us to replace grumbling with thanksgiving, and disputes with peaceful interactions.
Have a wonderful day, and let's do everything heartily as to the Lord, and not as unto men!😊 - Esther
July 12th 2023
If all of our thoughts, time, energy and finances are directed towards us or our family only, the Lord reminds us to stop and look around. There are so many people who need a kind word, a helping hand, a listening ear or a little help to lift them up, and keep them from giving up.
Have a happy day, and let's care and share with others the way the Lord does for us!😊 - Esther
July 11th 2023
The world pressurizes us to do everything for selfish gain and self-promotion, while God's word teaches otherwise. Jesus exemplified humility to the utmost, and we who are His children must choose to be humble, and to consider others better than ourselves.
Have a great day, and don't miss opportunities to be selfless, and make others feel loved and valued.😊 - Esther
July 10th 2023
Remember that suffering is part and parcel of this amazing journey with the Lord Jesus. This means we will be misunderstood, falsely accused, hated, persecuted, disregarded, isolated, betrayed, and may even face death. Jesus went through it all, and we as His children will certainly not be spared.
Have a blessed day and bear in mind that if we can't bear the cross we can't wear that crown!😊
July 8th 2023
The Apostle Paul was in dilemma whether to choose life or death because living meant serving Christ whom he loved, and dying meant being with Christ whom he longed for.
That's the kind of life God has called us to live. A life lived to fulfill the purposes of God, and a death that guarantees eternity with the Lord Jesus who loved us, called us and gave Himself up for us.
Have a purposeful day fulfilling God's plan and preparing for eternity 😊 - Esther
July 7th 2023
As children of God we are on a journey of faith, and the Lord has begun a good work within us through His Holy Spirit. This good work is that we be transformed from within, to reflect the character and holiness of God though our lives. As we yield ourselves to Him daily, we can be confident that the Holy Spirit of God will continue to perfect us, so that we can stand faultless before the Lord Jesus at His coming.
Have a wonderful day, and let's run our race with perseverance, keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus alone!😊 - Esther
July 6th 2023
Every day we must choose to take up the full armor of God to handle the cunning schemes and subtle attacks of the evil one. The conflicts, temptations, trials, health issues and hardships that challenge us are often spiritual battles, which can never be won with our own physical strength or human understanding. The armor of God is our protection, and with the power of the Holy Spirit we can overcome every attack of the enemy.
Have a victorious day, and know that we are more than conquerors through Christ!😊 - Esther
July 5th 2023
Marriage is God ordained, and hence God Himself has assigned roles for the husband and wife. When there is love and submission in marriage there is joy, peace and harmony. The best part is that a godly marriage is the best demonstration of the relationship between Christ and the Church.
Have a joyful day, and may our marriages reflect this sacrificial love of Christ.😊 - Esther
July 4th 2023
We live in a complicated world, and truly we need God's grace and wisdom to handle perplexing situations and difficult people who come our way. Also the time is short, so let's not miss an opportunity to share the good news of the gospel with everyone we meet. Only Jesus Christ can transform our lives, and help us walk in holiness in an evil and sin-filled world.
Have a wonderful day and let's be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.😊 - Esther
July 3rd 2023
We are children of light, called to shine in a world filled with evil and the darkness of sin. To be engaged in any unfruitful works of darkness is worthless and detrimental to our spiritual growth and walk with the Lord. To expose what is evil means, we stand firm on God's word, don't compromise with the world, and shine the light of God's holiness through our godly living.
Have a bright day, and shine for Jesus wherever you are.😊🕯 - Esther
July 1st 2023
A merry heart is good medicine for a healthy life. However, our humor and laughter should not have a hint of obscenity, never be at another's expense, and should not include foolish talk that offends others. May we never engage in or entertain frivolous talk that dishonors our Holy God.
Have a joyful day, and lighten up someone's day with clean humor that God approves😊 - Esther
June 30th 2023
Imagine a world where everyone is kind, tenderhearted and forgiving to each other. That would be heaven on earth, and that's what Jesus taught and modeled for us. May we too be those who spread love and kindness in a world that teaches and practices otherwise.
Have a happy day, and choose to be kind, for we never know what someone else is going through.😊
June 29th 2023
Imagine a world where everyone is kind, tenderhearted and forgiving to each other. That would be heaven on earth, and that's what Jesus taught and modeled for us. May we too be those who spread love and kindness in a world that teaches and practices otherwise.
Have a happy day, and choose to be kind, for we never know what someone else is going through.😊
June 28th 2023
Our ability to speak fluently, and communicate with others is God's gift to us. The words that come out of our mouth should never hurt, belittle or discourage others. Instead, our words should encourage, motivate, and build others up. Before we speak let's THINK - are my words True, Helpful, Inspiring, Necessary and Kind.
Have a wonderful day, and let our words always bless and benefit those who hear us.😊
June 27th 2023
Uncontrolled anger makes us say and do things that we regret later. Any issue or conflict that was the cause for the anger must be dealt with and settled by the end of the day. Relationships are precious, so let's never allow Satan to break them down because of anger and unforgiveness.
Have a happy day and let's be slow to get angry and quick to forgive.😊
June 26th 2023
We are all members of one body and Jesus Christ is the head of this body. Therefore, we must to put off falsehhood and be truthful to one another. If we are untruthful to each other, it will be harmful to the entire body. Moreover, let us remember that trust is built on truthfulness, and falsehood breaks trust.
Have a wonderful day, and let's always speak the truth to one another in love Esther
June 24th 2023
This scripture challenges us as believers in the Lord Jesus, who have received a high calling, to exemplify the Lord in and through our lives. This means that we relate with one another in love, with humility, gentleness, patience, bearing up with each other's faults and short-comings, just like Jesus did.
Have a wonderful day, and let's live lives that measure up to God's standards. - Esther
June 23rd 2023
This scripture challenges us as believers in the Lord Jesus, who have received a high calling, to exemplify the Lord in and through our lives. This means that we relate with one another in love, with humility, gentleness, patience, bearing up with each other's faults and short-comings, just like Jesus did.
Have a wonderful day, and let's live lives that measure up to God's standards. - Esther
June 22nd 2023
We were redeemed not with silver and gold, but by the precious blood of Jesus that was shed for us on the cross. It is this amazing grace of God poured out on us through Jesus, that offers forgiveness of sins, and frees us to live the abundant life Jesus offers.
Have a blessed day, and remember we only have to believe in Jesus to experience this amazing new life. - Esther
June 21st 2023
Have you ever wondered what we were chosen for? God created us in His image, but sin marred that beautiful image of God in us. Only in Christ is that image of God renewed within us. Let's never forget that God chose us to lead holy lives so we can stand blameless before His holy presence one day.
Have a wonderful day, and let's reflect our holy God in all we say and do. - Esther
June 20th 2023
The principle of sowing and reaping is simple - the fruit we harvest depends entirely on the seeds we sow. It's the same for our spiritual life too. We can choose to sow into those things that gratify our sinful desires or we can choose to live in obedience to the Holy Spirit of God. The former will reap destruction, and the latter eternal life.
Have a happy day and let's be wise and choose to sow knowing we have an eternal reward. - Esther
June 19th 2023
Everything we do we must do as unto the Lord, and not unto men. That's why we compare ourselves with no one, but let the Lord examine all we do. The Lord who sees our hearts, motives, efforts, and sincerity will reward us accordingly. So let's bear our own loads, but also remember we have to bear one another's burdens as well.
Have a joyful day, and let's do everything heartily as unto the Lord - Esther
June 17th 2023
We are all prone to sin and stumble in many ways - only some sin overtly, and some covertly. With this in mind, we need to be gentle and humble in the way we approach and restore anyone who has gone astray. We need to extend the same grace to others that God has lavished on us.
Have a wonderful day, and let's remember, we are called to lift and build each other up, not tear down and destroy one another. - Esther
June 16th 2023
Every day we must beseech the Holy Spirit of God to counsel us, guide us, and teach us to make right and godly choices. Only through the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit can we overcome the desires of our sinful nature.
Have a victorious day, and when the battle wages between our flesh and God's Spirit let's yield to the Holy Spirit all the time. - Esther
June 15th 2023
Every day we must beseech the Holy Spirit of God to counsel us, guide us, and teach us to make right and godly choices. Only through the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit can we overcome the desires of our sinful nature.
Have a victorious day, and when the battle wages between our flesh and God's Spirit let's yield to the Holy Spirit all the time. - Esth
June 14th 2023
Think about it! If only we loved God and loved others the way we love ourselves we wouldn't lie, cheat, hurt, hate, gossip, judge, covet, envy, slander, be impatient, disrespect, disregard or even make fun of others. As much as we want the person in the mirror to be happy, loved, accepted and appreciated by others, let's do the same to everyone who comes our way.
Have a joyful day, and let's love others just the way Jesus loves us!😊 - Esther
June 13th 2023
When we come to Christ, He frees us from being enslaved to sin and to the elementary principles of this world. Moreover, we are adopted into God's family, and have the greatest privilege to call God, Abba! Father! This adoption is confirmed by the Holy Spirit of God who dwells in our hearts.
Have a wonderful day, and may those around us know and recognize that we are sons and daughters of the Most High God! 😊
June 12th 2023
When we come to Christ, He frees us from being enslaved to sin and to the elementary principles of this world. Moreover, we are adopted into God's family, and have the greatest privilege to call God, Abba! Father! This adoption is confirmed by the Holy Spirit of God who dwells in our hearts.
Have a wonderful day, and may those around us know and recognize that we are sons and daughters of the Most High God! 😊
June 10th 2023
The law was given to show us how sinful we are, and not one human being is able to keep it to a tee. Only Jesus, the sinless Son of God fulfilled all of the law, and hence, only through Him can one be made righteous. Our adherence to the law, our good deeds, or anything else we do, could never save anyone from their sins. We are saved by the grace of God alone, when we believe on Jesus and His finished work on the cross. Let's never try to undo what Jesus did for us on the cross, by trying to work out our own righteousness.
Have a good day and r